
Field NameData TypeDescription
idstringUnique identifier for the object.
typestringThe resource type of the return object. The value is "customer_payment_method".
addressstringA string format of billing information associated with the PaymentMethod
brandstringBrand name of the PaymentMethod. E.g Visa, Master..
countrystring2-letter country code.
cvc_checkstringIf a CVC was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. A result of unchecked indicates that CVC was provided but hasn’t been checked yet. Checks are typically performed when attaching a card to a Customer object, or when creating a charge.
emailstringEmail address provided by customer, associated with the Billing address
expiration_monthstringExpiration month if the PaymentMethod is a card
expiration_yearstringExpiration month if the PaymentMethod is a card
fingerprintstringUniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.
first6stringFirst 6 digits of the card number(if it is a card payment)
last4stringLast 4 digits of the card number(if it is a card payment)
funding_typelistFunding source came from, can be CREDIT, DEBIT, PREPAID, FUNDING_TYPE_UNKNOWN
owner_namestringCardholder name
payment_method_typestringType of the PaymentMethod, ca be: Card, Kakao, Paypal
zipcodestringZipcode of the card's billing address
zipcode_checkstringIf a CVC was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. A result of unchecked indicates that zip code was provided but hasn’t been checked yet.
created_atIntegerTimestamp of the PaymentMethod creation
payment_method_gatewaysHashAn Array of PaymentMethodGateway.
id: Id of the PaymentMethodGateway
type: Type of the object, always be "payment_method_gateway_reference"
psp_account_reference_id: PspAccount's reference id
psp_type: Type of the Psp account, can be "Stripe", "Adyen" etc.
charge_token: charge token from Psp used to charge this PaymentMethodGateway
fingerprint: Unique identifier of Card from the specific PSP
psp_customer_id: Customer ID is maintained on PSP side associated with this PaymentMethod's customer
created_at: Creation time of the PaymentMethodGateway
vault_option: Indicate this charge token is reusable or single use, value can be "REUSABLE", "SINGLE_USE"